Our New Website Launches

March 1, 2013

Looking at your own design work in photography can be daunting. How does the camera see so much that a human eye can miss? We learned so much thanks to the talents of

photographers Kip Dawkins, Guy Crittenden, and Ellie Bolton. They realized our vision and captured our rooms perfectly, in driving rain or sunshine.

Special thanks to the talented team at Micheal Sparks Design for creating our site, especially Mike Garaffa and Micheal Sparks who, with good humor, became intimately familiar with the Pantone paint deck and a designer’s obsession with order and detail.

Lastly, our heartfelt appreciation goes out to our clients who graciously opened their doors to us for photography. It is such a privilege for us to be able to share your beautiful homes and businesses with the viewers of our website.

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